We have services every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the following location:
Christian Church Groningen
Johan de Wittstraat 2
9716 CG Groningen, Netherlands
View on Google Maps
Services are spoken in Dutch and translated into English via headsets, which we provide for you. We’re not professionals but we do our best!
You can listen/watch to the sermons afterwards. Most of them are provided with english subtitles and available in our 'churchapp'
Bicycle parking is free in front of the church and there is additional bicycle parking around the back of the church. Starting January 2025 car parking is free untill 12PM.
For information:
We start the service with a cup of coffee or tea, sing worship together, hear a message, and sing worship again. Often times members of the church will share a word of encouragement. After the service we have a small snack and another cup of coffee!
The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, with plenty of time to say hi to someone you haven’t met before. There is no specific dress code and most people dress casual.
Also, the first service of each month is our "Family Service" in which our children take part in the service. A teenager may lead the service, our children may dance on stage, and afterwards we have a potluck. Feel free to bring something!
Welcome to Groningen and welcome to CCG! We are a church who believes in Jesus and comes together to celebrate his life. We are locals of Groningen and visitors and immigrants from all over the world. Everyone has their own story, just like you.
There is a English speaking small group. It is a time to pray, read the bible, discuss, and share a meal with other internationals. If you are interested please send us a message!
Mark 11:17 (ESV)
My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.
Join us for our “gezellige” (cozy) Christmas dinner and enjoy a delicious traditional Dutch Christmas meal.
Every December
Called “BuurtBBQ” in Dutch, this is a barbecue we host for the neighborhood.
Every June
This is a lunch to welcome people from the neighborhood. The menu varies, and could be anything from Dutch food to Iranian food to Moroccan food.
Every 1st and 3rd Friday
Called "Buurtcafé Herder" in Dutch, this is an open café for people from the neighborhood to attend. The WE-team is there to answer questions.
Every Thursday from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
The elders team currently consists of three men: Dick, Teun, and Arie, with Teun being the lead elder. The elders are surrounded by a leadership council of reliable women and men who come together in biblical brotherhood to pray and speak about the health of the church.
CCG is part of a family of churches called Relational Mission, an apostolic network led by Mike Betts, Stef Liston, and Maurice Nightingale. As a church we are independent, but we voluntary submit ourselves to the apostolic authority of Relational Mission, which we believe is good for the health of the church.
Jesus is clear that leadership is about service and humility, which are core to our approach at CCG. Leadership is not about hierarchy and it is not about attaining certain positions. Within the body of Christ there are different roles, members, and functions, which are realized in the various teams within the church.
The elders team focuses on the health of the church overall, starting with pastoral responsibilities. The elders, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in consultation with other leaders, keep an eye on the course of the church, so that the church does what it is called to do. The church is called to serve God, love one another, and be a witness in the world. That determines the course of the church.
We believe that the church is built by Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit. In the Bible we see that different people receive different gifts and that those gifts are intended for building up the church, and we see that the Holy Spirit appoints various overseers who take on different responsibilities in the church.
1 Peter 2: 9-10 (ESV)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
At its core, the church is the people. It's not the building, it's not an organization, it's a family of ordinary people who have received a new life through Jesus with a new identity and a new purpose. It is a people brought together to make the work of God visible.
Once per month, we have a teenagers meeting during Sunday service. This group meets in the CCG café and occasionally goes off-campus, for example, to the E.O. youth day. There is also a monthly teenage breakfast at one of our member's homes in Haren.
Two Sundays a month we have a Sunday school class for primary school groups 6-8 (ages 11-13). They meet in the CCG café. On other Sundays, these children attend the main service.
Every Sunday except for the first Sunday of the month (which is our "Family Service"), we have a combined group meeting for primary school groups 1-5 (ages 5-10).
We have a toddlers group that meets every Sunday during service in a festive room where they get to play, listen to a Bible story, sing, and dance. A snack is provided.
During Sunday services, we provide private space for parents to feed and change their babies, and parents are welcome to bring babies into the main service. Don't worry, the sound of a baby brings us joy!
We love children! The focus of our children's ministry is to help kids meet Jesus. Kids are divided into different age groups, as described below. All of our children's ministries are conducted in Dutch, but our volunteers speak at least some English, so you are welcome to bring your children even if they don't speak Dutch.
Matthew 19:14 (ESV)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”